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Book 2

Happy and Healthy

Happy and Healthy begins by setting the children in the context of their own family. Feelings are analyzed in order to favor and further positive ones and control negative ones. Feelings are pointed out and explained in order to bit by bit gain control over them.

The concept of obedience to parents’ (or responsible adults) instructions is emphasized, highlighting good manners and the enacting of the “Golden Rule” within the framework of self-control. Similarities, relationships and differences in nature and what was introduced in Book 1 regarding the human body are discussed further, in order to awaken an ecological conscience.

There is further discussion about life in the womb and newborn care, as well as how caring for a baby involves the whole family.

Basic virtues such as generosity, sense of ownership (of one’s own things as well as those belonging to others), tidiness, honesty, obedience, cooperation and responsibility are developed with the help of stories and anecdotes. The setting for the children is their home, as a place where they can cooperate, not only by keeping things clean and tidy, but also by saving.

These same virtues are then transposed to school and neighborhood. Rules pertaining to health, such as nutrition, hygiene, good use of free time, vaccination and prevention of illness are all subjects that are exposed.

The most important event in Alicia’s family life is the birth of her baby sister. She follows her mother’s pregnancy and the changes that come about in her family. This gives rise to the awareness of the place each individual holds within the family circle. Thus, everyday life brings about the lessons Alicia and her cousin, Charles, discover.

Some of the subjects we explore are:

  • One’s place within the family and in school
  • Recognizing feelings
  • Obeying one’s conscience
  • Good manners
  • The “Golden Rule”
  • Pregnancy